Through our own various sources and parental generosity, I truly believe we will have a tremendous wedding. Dan and I are financing the bulk of the event and, in the process, busting our asses. We both worked through this whole weekend, MFDC more than me. WAY more than me. Yeah, I got puked on and had to change a few diapers and sever two strong-willed boys from their Wii remotes, but he put in full, 14-hour days straight through the weekend.
Last night, while he was tuning vocals and I was heading for bed after an exhausting night of playing and laughing with an adorable baby, I leaned over to kiss him good night and asked him how much longer he would be. He looked at me, eyes red-rimmed with fatigue, and told me he'd still be a couple more hours. And then the enormity of why we're working so hard and for what hit me square in the chest and I felt truly blessed.
Yes, we're trying to pay for our wedding and make extra money so we can be OK throughout the process, but the root of that is how much we love each other and how big is our desire to be together. To me, every sore, tired muscle and lost hour of sleep is such a small price to pay for what I have right now and what I can look forward to in November.
Baby, I love you! :* This is for you!

That's beautiful :-*
Stop wasting time reading my blog on your DUE DATE and get busy having that kid, you lazy poop!
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