Boarding At 5:35 A.M. BARF.

Saturday, April 11, 2009 0 comments
Dan and I are heading to Indiana tomorrow to hang out with his extended family and celebrate the fact that we got married but didn't get to invite any of them - not because we didn't want them there, but because The Man was keeping us down in the form of fire codes. And, admittedly, small and intimate was our goal.

For some reason I thought our flight was at 9:25 a.m. I suppose that's because that time was the itinerary I originally picked online and then waited another couple weeks to book. When I finally did, that departure was no longer available at a decent price so we had to go with the bargain basement departure of 6:05 a.m. Oops.

Waking up that early for a flight usually isn't a problem for Dan or me. We travel exceedingly well together. Actually, we do most things exceedingly well together which is why I went and married him and am now mired in name-changing paperwork and known by some government agencies as Danielle Certa and by others as Danielle Wright.

The problem with waking up that early is not dealing with sleep-deprivation, but rather the pukey feeling I get whenever I haven't had enough sleep. I wake up and my stomach is a mess. I don't think it's anxiety because I take magic pills made of calming unicorn dust for that. It's something I have always dealt with in my life. I know that if it's 10 p.m. and I have to wake up at 3:30, I will feel the desire to vomit in the first couple hours of being awake.

This does not bode well for child rearing, since it's a foregone conclusion that I will be severely sleep-deprived. I listen to what my sister is going through with her 7 week-old (aren't they supposed to be sleeping all night by then? And wiping their own butts?) and all I can think is, how will I be able to take care of my little, bearded, mandled Baby Certa when all I'll want to do is puke?

I wish men lactated. MFDC would TOTALLY moob-feed his baby! I know he would! Even if only for the simple fact that moob-feeding would keep his chest in such a state so as to provide countless hours of entertainment and wonderment. He would be all, "Check out my chesticles, bitches! I can feed my BABY AND play with these moobs! I win!"

I'm not really sure how I went from talking about visiting family to how I feel like puking when I wake up before 6 to MFDC breastfeeding our baby, but... here we are.

I'm very much looking forward to our visit to Indiana, despite our awful departure time. I enjoy hanging with all the other Certas and plus, we'll get to see the Carters for the first time in a long time. In fact, MFDC and I have never hung with the Carters while we've been a couple, even though Fer is the twitch that started this whoooooooooole thing!

Should be good times. I'll post from Indy if I get a chance and have anything interesting to say, but I expect I'll be very busy eating and smelling sweet little beh beh heads.



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