Let me tell you something, there wouldn't have been any left over beer in the fridge if not for my prescience. I am always anticipating a potential party. You may call that boring. I call that preparedness.
Resurrecting this beastie once again because I seem to have convinced myself that people actually care about what I think. What an effing narcissist! Also, I had a giant baby last summer and I'm still married to the best guy in the world! We're Los Angeles transplants living in Nashville. Which means the giant baby I birthed is SOUTHERN.
From the MAILROOM??
NO! From the fridge, left over from last week's parties. I DO NOT FRATERNIZE WITH THE STAFF.
You had an office party with LEFT OVER beer? That Kraft team is really dull, I tell you. ;-)
OT and beer? Sounds nice, killin time on the office dime, heheh.
Let me tell you something, there wouldn't have been any left over beer in the fridge if not for my prescience. I am always anticipating a potential party. You may call that boring. I call that preparedness.
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