
Wednesday, April 27, 2005 7 comments
It turns out I didn't have to buy my own Tulips for Administrative Professionals Day! Someone actually remembered they're my favorite (could be the picture of 8 different types I have hanging in my cubicle. What? It makes it look more welcoming!).

I was also given a $50 gc to Amazon.com, which fills me with warm, syrupy glee as well as sheer, undiluted terror. My reading list is so long at this point that the thought of finally getting to order from it fills me with dread. I'm like a deer caught in headlights. WHAT COMES FIRST?

But if this is the worst of my problems, then I'm ok, I guess. And the really, really bad mood in which I awoke is now slowly dissipating.

It's nice to know I'm appreciated: "For being fun to work with..." "For making this busy place a whole lot brighter" and "For always being helpful."

I think today I'm officially kicking off my new job search. Since Project Find Danielle Someplace to Live has been completed, it's time for Find Danielle a New Damn Job. I haaaaaaate being an assistant. I don't care if I'm good at it! I don't want to assist!

I do like most of the people I work for, however. It will be sad to leave them when my time comes, and hopefully that will be soon. I just need to start kicking ass elsewhere.



  • Sam said...

    Sounds like a plan, stan, er, Danielle!! Glad you got the nice gifts, I have seen how you hustle for those guys and you deserve it!

  • Anonymous said...

    At least your peeps love you :) Pfe sucks!
    And I'll give myself my own thank you at CJ's on Friday BABY!

  • Anonymous said...

    Happy Administrative Professionals Day. So if you hate being an assistant, what DO you want to be when you grow up?

  • Danielle said...

    I've decided to write Romance Novels, complete with torn bodices, heaving breasts, and "members." Or "rods." I can't decide. What do you think?

    Kidding, of course.

    I would like somebody to pay me to write. I think that would be just swell. In the meantime, I want to boss someone around.

  • Anonymous said...

    "Member" is WAY cooler and more mature.


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