Putzing Around

Friday, April 22, 2005 4 comments
So, tonight is the first night, believe it or not, that I have been able to spend some quality time in my apartment without collapsing into bed immediately upon arrival. It was quite nice.

I went grocery shopping, and though things are definitely less expensive than they would have been in Manhattan, I still just cannot wrap my mind around the reason why it costs SO MUCH FUCKING MONEY to eat healthy! I would spend less buying junk food than I spend buying other things.

I came back from grocery shopping, cleaned out the fridge, put away my groceries, cooked dinner, washed dishes and now here I am, typing this useless update on my blog, waiting for my face mask to dry so I can wash it off and go to sleep.

I'm sure some of my peeps are partying somewhere, but I just don't have the bandwidth after such a long three weeks. I'm looking forward to doing absolutely nothing tomorrow. Tomorrow night, a friend from L.A. is in town, and it's also his birthday, so I'll be joining the festivities. He also wants to move here. It will be more like a birthday/welcome party, therefore, we will have to throw down.

Happy Birthday, Culby, my friend of a friend from L.A. who wants to move to New York. Dear God, man. What can you be thinking?


  • Anonymous said...

    He's thinking that New York freaking kicks ass man!

  • MrRyanO said...

    Is he the hot dude you used to go on and on about over at KcShow.com??? Good for you!

    Rock ON!

  • Sam said...

    Sometimes down time is just what you need after running around for a few weeks. Last night and today have been good times to chill in the pad cause the weather has been pretty crappy. I know, I just walked through some rain that went sideways. With a $3 umbrella.

    Tell Culby to move here! Any self respecting NYer would say that to someone from LA. :-)

  • Danielle said...

    $3 umbrellas are no match for sideways rain. I should have stayed in tonight, but I braved the rain and was rewarded with vodka and whiskey. And a dance floor with some dope-ass tunes. I did tell Culby to move here.

    He wants an interview at Fart, Crotch and Belching.

    The ninny.


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