Since 1829

Wednesday, April 13, 2005 2 comments
That's what the label on my beer says. Since 1829 Yuengling Traditional Lager By American's Oldest Brewery.

After a tough day which ended - again - at 8 o'clock, I decided to pick up a 6 - pack on the way home from work. I have nothing more to say really, outside the fact that I'm really glad I downloaded some GNR today and that I wish I had a beer hat.

You know the kind with the straws?

I always thought they were a bit of a ridiculous novelty, but during these days when work consumes my second and third winds, I'm beginning to appreciate the practicality.

Anyone have a beer hat I can borrow? Sam? Admiral?

Fer, I KNOW you have one!


  • MrRyanO said...

    You know Fer has the one that can hold a six pack, has backup straws, and the ever popular "over flow regulator" that prevents accidental drowning due to the flow of beer becoming unstoppable (also known as Syphoners Syndrome). I think it also has assorted Beer stickers plastered all over it...

    Unfortunatly, I don't have one any more. Mine was demolished as a result of an altercation with a "Straight Edge Protestor" during the Great Beer Drinkers Fest of '99...

  • MrRyanO said...

    That ROCKS! I think everyone should be able to post here...TwerpsWorld should be one hot sexy pillow fight! Sweeeeeeeet!


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