Reading Is Funtamental

Just had a prolonged visit from Martin the Mailroom Guy, who decided to chat with me while I was finishing my salad. He was telling me of hi...

Kermit, Neglected

Ugh! Typical males! Has no one noticed the green? DON'T YOU LIKE THE GREEN?


My creative stores are running low. Something crazy needs to happen to me so I can write about it. BUT NOTHING TOO CRAZY, FATES! Lately I...

Sunday Night Long Division

I know it's Monday, but you know that feeling you would get when you remembered late Sunday night that you had forgotten to do your math...

Meatloaf Rocks

Today was a lovely day. Woke up and caffeinated myself with a huge bowl of coffee, ran some errands. Went to my dad's for his birthday c...

There Can Never Be Too Many Light Saber Battles

I just saw Star Wars And I have concluded that Yoda is a PIMP!

The Final Countdown

I know that post title is probably seriously overused, but last night when I was going through some of my stuff looking for my summer clothe...

WTF? Fridays, Volume IV

I am still in bed. hahhahahhahahhahaaahhh. Suckers. Kidding. I just woke up and am feeling all warm and fuzzy. I love you guys. I hope you k...

When Shuffle Bites You In The Ass

Oh my God. So, I was sitting here, getting some packages ready to take down to the mailroom. Martin the Mailroom Guy actually beat me to it,...

...And A Risque Mouth

Kimberly! Dammit! I hate you! WHAT DID YOU DO TO ME!? I love you. Meghan. Um, I'm sorry. Well, kind of, but not really, because it was g...

Warning: I Talk About A Dude's Ass In This One if you're not interested in hearing me rhapsodize about a complete stranger's rear end, then you should just skip to Muppetita...

Note To Self

- Empty! - Never check work email before bed. Again. Ever. I don't care, just never do it again. - Buy new razor blades. - And Band-aids...

Because Everyone Likes Bulleted Lists

I remembered today that the office is CLOSED on Friday! OH. YEAH. And Monday, too! So... This is where I will be at 10:20 p.m. on T...

Oscar Betancur Was The Sixth Ghostbuster

The talents of Oscar Betancur demonstrate how this REALLY TRULY IS a Ghostbusters photo! That's Slimer, y'all!


Woke late hearing this. And thinking about Eddie and the Cruisers...yeah.

Good Times.

Taken Halloween of 1998. Yes. That's me in the afro.


Today is a birthday They're smoking cigars He's got a chain of flowers And sows a bird in her knickers Ohhh.. . IT'S MEGHAN'...

Gozer's About To Lay The Smackdown!

Who you gonna call?

M Is For Milkshake

Even though I wrote all that nonsense about feeling guilty for staying in bed when it was nice out, it wasn't enough guilt to actually m...

Well, Shit.

I did not expect to see the sun at all this weekend. According to all the weather reports I miserably read yesterday, today was supposed to ...

A Day In The Life

Friday morning cartoon.

The Biggest WTF? Moment In TwerpsWorld History

I was going to wait until I get into work in about 8 hours to write this, but this is too huge. I won't be able to go back to sleep unti...

Word, brother!

"I'll be ready to rock by about 5 o'clock." -Kristoffer Carter

Sugar Free

I just carried a virtually untouched tray of muffins, bagels & pastries out of a meeting and into our kitchenette. It was the longest 10...

Kitchen Conversation

(I'm avoiding doing any real work.) We bought props and shit for this meeting. I get to keep the french press, so my severe lack of slee...


Bah! Shitastic mood! Dee's cranky & needs a nap Like a little baby!

I Had A Nap, So... know, I'll be fine. left the agency at 11:15 last night. Took a cab to Union Square, where I waited forever for an L train tha...

Good. Tasty. Pure.

I just made my first ever cup of coffee via a french press. I'm going to be up for HOURS! It's GLORIOUS!!! I was excited AS I was ma...

The Dangers of Ambivalence

I don't think ambivalence is something a person can control. At least, I know I can't. When I realized Sunday afternoon that I had l...


Spock would be so proud - Gulped coffee hot to the touch Hope my tongue grows back.

Baby Steve's 1979 Ford Grenada

I looked out this morning and the sun was gone Turned on some music to start my day I lost myself in a familiar song I closed my eyes and I ...

Oh Yay!

I have a project! Yesterday, I was all, "Hey, this here is a project I would like to do." So I sent an email. And then last night,...

WTF Fridays, Volume II

Before I get into my two most WTF?able moments of the week, I have to just do a quick run-through of my Items That Require Immediate Attenti...


Canceled my bridge plans Working on reels 'till, oh, ten Damn, I hate this job.

Wine And Cheese

The agency just won a big New Business Pitch. FINALLY. We haven't won shit in AGES. We just keep losing and losing...but that's what...


Just so you know, when you get a delivery notice from the USPS, and you sign it and write instructions to leave your DVD featuring MFDC INS...

The Story About The Porn

STFU! A phrase I heard repeated many times last night in a very short span. The situation: My roommate comes home with her friend. Her frien...

Dark Forces Are Working Against Me

I have a dilemma. There is no one with whom I can go see Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge of the Sith. The Muppet and her man will be in Mex...

America - F*ck Yeah!

About to put the "F" back in Freedom...

I Love Me Some Puppets

Ok, I should clarify a few things before I start this post: 1.) I don't know why, but I really like puppets. I've always been comple...

I Have To Admit It's Getting Better

Ok, what was going to be a completely shitastic, DVD-less evening has now turned into one of those magical Spring nights when anything is po...


I was having a good day, despite waking up dragging ass. Got some nice emails. Got a nice thank you card. Saw a nice little link to my site....
This is the most recent picture of my mom (that she likes). Still fly at 56! 
This is the picture my mom had taken for her engagement announcement. LOVE the hair. She's about 21 in it.  
I love this picture. This is me, my mom and my brother, Steve. My Minnie Mouse doll is off-camera. 
You could have told me there were more beautiful women in the world, but I never would have believed they were prettier than my mom.  

My Mom Could Kick Your Mom's Ass

But she wouldn't because she's a classy lady. Except when it comes to her kids. If you fuck with one of her kids, she'll lay the...

This Post is Just Lousy With Penis References

The conversation I had before typing this: "Danielle, hey, it's Pete." "Yo." "Yo, what's up?" "Yo...

4:48 a.m.

I roll to my feet carefully; must get water bitch.

The Measure of a Geek

So, I lucked out today and my computer exploded. PFPPFPFFFFT!!! I was sending an email about a coworker's going away party, and it all w...
Meghan! circa 1998, our junior year. The badass little person in the background was a drug dealer. 

How I Met Meghan

May is Meghan Grandolfo’s Birthday Month. She was born on Monday, May 23, 1977. She was late. Very late. Like, not ever going to come out. W...

Women Do Get Weary

Overheard outside my bedroom window just moments ago, accompanied by the sounds of a chase on foot: A woman screams. "AAAAaaaoough!...

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