Kitchen Conversation

Wednesday, May 18, 2005 10 comments
(I'm avoiding doing any real work.)

We bought props and shit for this meeting. I get to keep the french press, so my severe lack of sleep has its upside. Some of the props were "books." I have rediscovered books in my recent state of TVlessness. I used to read so many books when I was a kid. I LOVED TO READ. I still do. I just haven't had the chance. But books and I are experiencing a glorious reunion.

Anyway, there were three literary books purchased: Harry Potter and The Order of the Phoenix, which I am already currently reading; The Devil's Teeth which is about Great White Sharks (and which I'm reading when John's done with it); and then the book I claimed, to the incredulous stares of my coworkers.

It went down like this in the kitchen:

John: Danielle, which book did you say you wanted? Harry Potter?
Danielle: No, I have that.
John: Because I want the shark book.
Danielle: I know. I asked for the other one, Young Patriots.
John:'s like that stuff?
Danielle: Hell, yeah, dude! I loves me some history, dawg!

Maybe people don't think of me as a history lover because I'm a giggler. That shit's just WRONG! I took AP History, Bitches!!

And I know I'm not the only one totally psyched for David McCullough's "1776." I've already read an excerpt in Newsweek and discussed it with my father. George Washington was the original Gangsta. "I heard bullets whistle; and believe me there is something charming in the sound." PIMP

Meghan knows.

mgrandolfo: that's a TOTALLY YOU book!

I love her because she knows me so well and knows I would be excited about something like that. And not call me a total effing geek, even if she was thinking it!

I have to get back to work. The temp is telling me he cannot find a cab. Can you believe this shit?


  • MFDC said...

    Yeah, so today was pretty much the equivalent of receiving Dick Cheney's Teabag... how interesting to find out that all I'd need to score is a bottle of Riuniti and the DVD version of Ken Burns' "Civil War."

  • Danielle said...

    That sounds like a terrible day. In fact, it's a day I never want to live, ever!

    All you'd need to score, MFDC, is to simply be in the same time zone. The Riuniti and "Civil War" DVD would merely be bonuses. I'm also a fan of his "Baseball" and "New York" documentaries.

    I've seen this link! Fall-out-of-your-chair funny. It almost made it into the first WTF Friday, but was scrapped at the last minute in favor of the Britney Spears' pregnancy test auction.

  • MrRyanO said...

    When I was a kid, the word Book meant to run really fast as if MFDC himself were chasing you...Well, in Deebo's case we know where that chase would lead.

    Actually, the RockDog does read! Mostly Baseball books and Maxim magazine (it's like porn,but it's not...neat-o!)

    Rock ON!

  • Danielle said...

    Doesn't EVERYONE read Maxim?


  • MrRyanO said...

    Yeah, MFDC...WTF are you doing up? The Left Coast is supposed to sleep in until the world is ready for their participation, which does not occur for another 28 minutes...sheeeeesh

  • MFDC said...

    My sleeping patterns are all fucked up. But it's kinda good, my folks are coming to town and they get up EARLY, so this is good practice. The worst is knowing that McDonald's doesn't switch over for lunch for another 90 minutes.

  • Danielle said...

    Oh shoot! Look out! The Certas are gonna rock out!

    Did I ever tell you that McDonald's delivers here? I've never actually ordered McDonald's delivery.

    Say Hi to your mom for me.

  • Becca said...

    I have ordered McDonald's and had them deliver. I felt so lazy, but good! The fries were still top notch too! There is nothing like laying on the couch watching Real World/Road Rules challange and having McDonald's brought to you! Awesome.


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