Neuropsychiatrists Love Me. Who Knew?

Monday, May 02, 2005 3 comments
The medical study of disorders with both neurological and psychiatric features.
Well, at least one seems to be...intrigued, shall we say? I recently received the following compliments from a self-proclaimed Neuropsychiatrist, after he apparently took a gander at, of all things, my profile:

"Hi there Danielle
What a cooool profile: unusual,creative,and enigmatic. Being a doctor(neuropsychiatrist), I have always been interested in creative people who search beyond the mundane. Tell me more about yourself. I look forward to hearing from you.

Hmm...I'm wondering which part of my profile is unusual. Maybe it's my About Me response:

About me:
Oh, you know. Just your average black Queen trapped in a tall white woman's body.

Perhaps it's who I'd like to meet?

Who I'd like to meet:
My King.

And what about the enigmatic part? Maybe he found that in General: Music, reading, hanging with friends, drinking, music, movies, living in New York City, music, red wine, Heineken, scotch, music, my iPod, family, etc...

Or perhaps he found "enigmatic" in my Heroes: My Mom. And Wallace & Gromit.

Actually, now that I think about it, perhaps he found "enigmatic" in my friends. It's definitely where he found the creative part.

Join MySpace!

Where else can you make yourself as stalkable as possible???


  • Sam said...

    You can't talk to this dude or you will be cheating on subway dude.

  • Danielle said...

    Far be it from me to get in the way of ANYONE'S snack, but I agree with you. He did look rather...wild-eyed, eh? Why is it always the FREAKS?!

  • Sam said...

    I agree with Muppie. I think you should bust out the Riunite on ice and call Subway man.


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