Ever Have?

Tuesday, March 28, 2006 1 comments
Ever have one of those days where you wake up "bright-eyed and bushy-tailed!" as my great-Grandmother, Violet, used to say! You wake up before your alarm, you're ready to rock. You actually have time to SCRUB in the shower; time to think about what you want to wear and enough wakefulness to remember to throw some fresh socks into your gym bag.

You leave for work early, coffee's good, the weather is warming up. You get to work and you're all productive and shit. And then lunch rolls around and you wish you could call someone up and have them come meet you because, even though you're poor, you want SOMEONE outside of your coworkers to SEE you and your fine ass because DAMN! You look GOOD today!

Ever have one of them days?

That's the kind of day I'm having. I wish I could bottle this feeling up and take a whiff whenever I have a shitastic day. OH WELL. I'll just re-read this post and remind myself that, a year ago, thoughts like this were impossible.

PS - Did you ever have a friend, with whom the time you spent was limited yet awesome, and no matter how far away you are from each other, you're always on each other's minds and wishing each other well? You know, just one of those most spesh peeps? That's my Levondra and today is her birthday! Everybody say HAPPY BIRTHDAY, LEVONDRA!

She's a million times smarter and cuter than I will ever be!



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