It went swimmingly! But! There was a lot of stress associated with getting it to go how I envisioned it (read: perfectly). I actually said things like, "I want to strangle that little old lady!" and "I think I'm over-thinking the cupcakes."
It's a good thing I am a coordinator by trade. Otherwise, the weekend would have sucked. Kidding. I'm sure it still would have been lovely. How can it NOT be lovely when there are things like measuring cups and bakeware and glasses and double-boilers and penises flying about? EXACTLY!
Not that it's an excuse, but my brain was pretty overwhelmed with details, budgets, upcoming flights and a busy work schedule. Every time I would sit down to write, my cursor would be inexplicably drawn to the excel spreadsheet I created to keep track of all the details and assigned tasks involved in making this thing happen from 3000 miles away.
Luckily for me, my family, the future in-laws and the bridesmaids turned out to be an excellent street team, so all the worry and stress pimples turned out to be all for naught.
But who am I if I'm not worrying? Certainly not the Danielle you know and luuuuuuurv.
The best part of the whole weekend was watching my sister walk through the door, mostly surprised, and then sit down and open all her many many many gifts, watching her ooh and aah over every single one of them. In fact, she ooh'd and aah'd right through the whole day and stripper-filled night... until she puked. But it's not a Bachelorette Party until the Bride pukes!
I'm pretty settled into my life here, and I'm loving the weather, my neighborhood, being so close to Meghan and building a new life with MFDC, but I didn't realize until I was with them how much I missed my family. I need to be a lot better about keeping in touch. We all do, actually.
I survived the coldest flight back to L.A. ever, and resolved to always bring socks and a fleece onto the plane, no matter what the temperature outside may be. And NetFlix. I need to bring some NetFlix next time.
In the next post, which I PROMISE will follow soon, I will tell you all about Callie, the newest roommate at The Little House In Burbank, and how she came in like a demon, but is settling down to be the cutest, rescued mutt puppy ever.
Here's a few pics to satisfy your curiosity, or scar you for life, depending on whether you're related to me:

The Bridal Party after all the gifts had been opened and hauled away. Doesn't it look like I have a flower hat on?

This would be sexy if she weren't making that face. ;)

The cupcakes over which I obsessed. A bakery did them, but I added the Hersey Kisses, bagged, bowed, and tagged them!

This is my fave picture of Cindy in the traditional Bridal Shower hat. Not sure if they do this sort of thing everywhere. Cindy will use it as her fake bouquet at the ceremony rehearsal.

Penis straws. The balls were perfectly round, but I suppose art is all about interpretation.

What Cindy wants...

Cindy gets!

My father was WRONG! This photo proves that money really DOES come out of the ass!
You are truly the best! The bridal shower was a bit of a fast blur for me, everything happened SOOOOO fast, i didnt even get to EAT--but i heard the food was good! Everything was so much appreciated! My favorite gifts were def. the homemade gifts--the album and recipe book!!!! I love you so much and thank you so much for all your hard work and stress pimples!!! :)
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