So, now Catalina Island is on fire. In the wake of the Griffith Park fire, I have no choice but to believe that I am a firestarter, a la Drew Barrymore in that movie. We'd been planning to see Catalina and the Observatory possibly over my long July 4 break. Now, they are either aflame or smoldering.
I hesitate to mention the location of any place I might desire visiting for fear that it will spontaneously combust.
Friends, my power... it's frightening.
We now have new plans which will involve semi-moderate travel and creatures of the wild and that's all I will say. I am against animal cruelty and cannot place innocent creatures at risk. I must first learn how to control this newly-discovered incendiary aspect of my already astounding super-human abilities.
In the meantime, you should all rejoice in the knowledge that I have found a worthy iced coffee in Los Angeles, a mere BLOCK away from my office. Good things come to those who whine, bitch, cry and shake with iced coffee withdrawal. In 48 brief hours, I am now completely devoted to it and already have a frequent buyer barcode. NICE.
The back is feeling much better, thanks for asking. Haven't taken any Advil today and am already less bloated. Advil makes me feel and look like a water balloon.
I hope you all have a great weekend. Some of you will be recovering. Some of you will be relaxing. Some of you will be cursing, sweating and getting yet ANOTHER splinter. Some of you will be boning. Some of you will be celebrating. Some of you will be celebrating AND boning. But! Whatever you are this weekend, I hope you're safe and happy. And that you thank your Momma for getting you to that point!

Is it possible for you to start a fire in say ,,,, someone else's pants? Just a little homework for the weekend! ;)
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