I Has Back Pain - OWLZ!

Monday, May 07, 2007 5 comments
I know I promised a timely update following my last post, but that was before I swallowed some shredded wheat down the wrong pipe and ended up enduring a coughing fit that threw out my back, the resulting pain leaving me no choice but to just lay in bed relatively motionless for about 2.5 straight days until I finally was able to move from side to side using MFDC's belt buckle to assist me.

Back pain sucks. I've had it for about as long as I can remember. I had surgery to correct 66.66666666% of the problem right after college, but they had to leave 33.33333333% of it unfixed because they were really smart doctors and they anticipated that one day Kris Carter would be all, "You have to read my friend Dan's blog, fucking hilarious," and that I would then one day be desirous of birthing said friend Dan's babies. Prescient, those M.D.s!

So, every now and then, I deal with the baddie. Usually when I am over-stressed, over-tired, or about to do something very important, like fly thousands of miles overseas or graduate college. Or when I'm out of shape. Which I am. Which I have documented well here on this little pink web tablet.

This little episode interrupted a strong desire to really get back to the gym and make myself stronger and more flexible. For now, I will need to wait out the pain and fantasize about my first pain-free yoga class between obsessively checking CJ's blog for more evidence of home improvements because, sadly, I am conditioned by TLC and Extreme Makeover: Home Edition to expect stunning renovations in 30 minutes to an hour on any given day.


  • Courtney said...

    I bet you when you start getting all bendy in Yoga class again it will make you want to have babies even more. Because getting all bendy = wanting to be more bendy elsewhere. But only when you feel better of course! ;)

  • CJ Sorg said...

    This home improvement show is more like a mini-series. In slow-motion.

  • Danielle said...

    Sponsored by Advil?

    I feel like I need to contribute, you guys are doing so much! I have color ideas for the room with the fireplace.


  • CJ Sorg said...

    Well, hey! That room with the fireplace is none other than ManLand (as opposed to DanLand).

    "Danland" is kind of like Air Force one, whichever room MFDC is in is referred to as Danland.

    At this point in time I was thinking of choosing colors from a Barenaked Ladies album cover. Subtle, no?


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