I Don't Really Do Much Here

I think my main contribution in my office is personality, plain and simple. Seriously. Technically, I'm an Executive Assistant to a risi...

In Sum

I think it would be hard for me to list all the various little battles I've been fighting for the past several months/years and be able ...

First Day

Though I’m taking the lowest dose of Cymbalta, I’m still a little freaked out by it. OK, I’m a LOT freaked out. And stumbling upon websites ...

The Gathering Storm

Yes, I am titling this blog about the pimple forming on the tip of my nose. It's been sore for two days and despite my best efforts to u...

Mmmmm... Steak! And Sparkles!

I wish my wedding were tomorrow, mostly because I talked to the Caterer today and now I want some steak. YUM. So, I'm getting into this ...

What I'm Hiding

Lately my sleep patterns have been greatly disturbed by a big, steaming pile of Anxiety with a capital A. Because of the nature of anxiety, ...

2008: You'll Be Great!

I am finally feeling human enough and secure enough in my internet connection to get a new post up, since one of my goals for the New Year (...

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