If every muscle, bone, joint, and tendon in your body is still sore...
If you rediscovered a love for Vodka you had once thought lost forever...
If you grabbed a shotglass full of Aquavit everytime it was offered...
If you then dedicated the contents of that glass to "Frontin' on Debra" and Brooklyn...
If you shouted, "Wait! You can't leave until we do the Molly Ringwald one more time!"...
If Kimberly passed out before everyone headed out to Floyd...
If you challenged Dan to an Olive Contest and lost miserably in a best out of 5 tournament...
If you sent Ryan off on his search for Kahlua with a blessing of The Force...
If you started a disco in the living room, banned the Running Man, and then turned around and did it...
If you thought it would be wise to switch to Vodka Tonics from Cosmopolitans...
If you showed everyone a picture of yourself in an afro and asked, "Guess which one is me!"...
If you dove for the Batphone every time it rang...
If you taught Ryan "Around the World" and then accepted his interpretation...
If you danced like a maniac to "White Lines" by Duran Duran...
If you walked a drunken zigzag to Floyd, walked straight to the jukebox without greeting any of your fellow partiers who were already there and picked three songs (none of which you can recall), then sat down next to said jukebox and passed out, woke, informed everyone you were leaving as Alfredo whispered "Drink water" over and over in your ear, were gratefully placed in a cab and sent back to Manhattan, vaguely recall thinking, "Hey, this is my first time EVER going over the Brooklyn Bridge!" then decided a song from the iPod was called for, but realized that one of the buds came off of your earphones, then plunged your hand into your bag in search of the errant earbud only to come up with A HUGE ALMOND, which you chucked out the window before listening to "Two To Make It Right" by Seduction sans earbud...
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