Pink Shirt

Thursday, June 30, 2005 4 comments
First, I just want to say that I worked until 11:30 last night and am in a shockingly good mood all things considered. This could be because I called my mom at around 10:30 and had her laughing so hard, she was almost crying. Them's are some good times.

It could also be because today is my last day of work until JULY 11th if things go my way! My group doesn't know yet, but I am planning on taking all of next week off. Heh heh heh. I'm going to present it as a last minute situation, when in reality I've been planning it all along.

I have big plans for the next several days in the So. J.

Saturday I am planning on attending Live 8. I'm VERY excited.

This is what my father has to say about these plans:

"Live 8 is going to be hot and crowded. I hope you can take it. Remember there will be long lines at the potties and drinks and eats. Plus all the crooks and creeps will flock there.
Love Dad"

Thanks, Dad. I appreciate your concern, however, I have lived in foreign countries, traveled all over the place, and currently live in the ghetto. I'm pretty fuckin' tough. You wouldn't know it by looking at me. I'm half Loretta, which makes me half Camden, which makes me fuckin' tough. I'll put my money in my bra and will be sure to dehydrate myself in order to avoid long lines!

My little brother was actually supposed to be a stagehand for this event. But then he went and got the tip of his finger chopped off. He was going to meet me somewhere and walk me and my peeps as close as he could get us, which would have been pretty effing close. Now I'll have to just find a good spot like the rest of the plebes. It's fine, though. I'm not going for JUST the music. I'm going for the vibe and to hang with my friends. Philly Phriends: I'LL CALL YOU!!

After that there will be the requisite round of July 4th BBQs. Pretty standard. Then there will be a couple DMB concerts and some tailgating Tuesday and Wednesday. Thursday and Friday I will be helping my mom prepare for my brother's graduation party on July 9, and then I will travel back to the city the following day. The best part about all this is that I will only need to use TWO of my PTO days. Which leaves me with a nice chunk of vaca remaining. Otherwise, I wouldn't be doing it.

We have a new roommate moving into the apartment for the next two months. One of my current roomies will be traveling the Mediterranean and Eastern Europe, so she is subletting her room to this little, punky asian girl named Jennifer, who is a freelance Graphic Designer. We will finally be an All-Mac apartment. It will be glorious.

Today I am wearing a pink shirt I have not worn in a very long time. In fact, the last time I wore this shirt, I was in Las Vegas with Kimberly and a few friends who were already down there. The night is kind of a blur. I remember how Kimberly convinced me it was a good idea to go to Vegas. I was working from home for the week because the film I was working on decided to save a WHOLE $600 and gave me the week off. I ended up just picking up some travel work for another film.

Anyway, this was at the end of my sojourn in Los Angeles. Kimberly was packed up and heading back to Boston shortly. She had sold her car to a Honda dealership and couldn't put any more miles on it. She was going to fly, but then she tried to convince ME to go. I had the usual excuses: Money, time, etc...

The next thing I know, Kimberly is setting down in front of me: a bottle of Kettle One, a small bag of California chronic, and Dad's American Express. She said, "This is all we need." Two hours later we were stuck in traffic on the 10 and Kimberly was making hotel reservations at the Bellagio.

In addition to this Pink Shirt, I also packed my afro and the rest of this RIDICULOUS outfit Kimberly and I had made and which I had worn to a Hank Williams III concert. It was originally meant for a bubble gum-themed party in the hills that I never made it to.

That night, we drank all but maybe a SHOT of that Ketel One, smoked, then met up with our friends, with me in this Pink Shirt, an afro, and rocking some MAJOR cleavage. We had drinks, we had lapdances, we had to stop driving before we got killed, so the party came back to the hotel with us.

Upon entering the lobby of the Bellagio, which wasn't exactly crowded but wasn't empty either, my boob burst forth from its constraint and it was a moment before I realized it. Ah, good times.

Up in the room, there was more eating and drinking and smoking and laughing. I somehow ended up sharing a bed with a person who ACTUALLY HAD TUBERCULOSIS. Like, a diagnosed case. Doc Holiday died of TB. I know this because Dennis Quaid looked like complete SHITE in the movie.

My bedmate with TB was surprised in the morning when he awoke to find me sans afro.

"Holy shit! I thought that was your real hair!"

"Dude, you don't know me well enough to know this yet, but it IS my real hair."

Still, I got the sense he was disappointed.


  • Becca said...

    "I'm half Loretta, which makes me half Camden, which makes me fuckin' tough."
    Make sure you put your ghetto in your front pocket...You never know when you'll need to pull it out!

  • Anonymous said...

    Would this be the same Vegas trip inwhich I received the legendary "I just met Leonardo DiCaprio" drunk dial, whilst jumping on your hotel bed??? Please advise.


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