Today I

Tuesday, June 21, 2005 5 comments
-stressed about, fretted over, and worked on a 71 page deck under the impression we were on deadline. We were not.

-received an email saying, "Can I get these printed out by 1 p.m. tomorrow?" with 27 excel attachments. I shit you not. Which is why I am still here.

-was told the dinner I had spent the last week planning was a no-go, and to find someplace cheaper. Which is another reason why I'm still here.

-Ate a small child's weight in cashews. No more cashews for Danielle.

-Hit the wall at like, 6. I can't believe I'm still here.

-hand-delivered the basket of product (dog biscuits!) I was asked to put together for our new CEO. That was cool. It came out very nice. Too bad he wasn't there. His assistant's really nice, though.

-had fruit for lunch in light of the cashew orgy. Lots of papaya...yummmm...

-had a good talk with Audrey and am feeling, if not better, then more comfortable with handling my workload. What doesn't get done simply doesn't get done.

-was given guardianship of three roses, which were given to and unwanted by a female coworker. Dude, I don't know what you did wrong, but three roses? NOT GOING TO CUT IT. You better bust out that credit card and kill your limit on flowers, because she's PISSED. But I think they're pretty, so thanks!

-pondered why tourists insist on taking pictures of the mall over which I work. I don't understand. No comprende. But then again, I took a picture of Duane Reade today.

-daydreamed a little bit. Mmmmmmmm...

-totally demoted the Muppet for Refusal To Update Her Blog Despite Having Outstanding Stories To Tell. You suck.

-remembered I have a doctor's appointment tomorrow which will involve needles. Almost canceled it because it's at 2 p.m. and I'm guessing fasting levels on all the bloodwork would be best. BUT I CANNOT SURVIVE until 2 freaking P.M. on NOTHING! No coffee! No oatmeal! No bananas! So, fuck that. I'll eat early and hope for the best.

-just made plans to meet Kimberly for dinner at Stout! YAY! Gotta go! Good Night!


  • MFDC said...

    (Chanting) I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1! I'M # 1!

  • Danielle said...


    I repeatedly warned her she would lose her spot to you, and she did not heed me.

    That's your spot now! ;)

  • Anonymous said...

    did you leave johnny at the bar last night???

  • Danielle said...

    Oh my God...please...I'm just now stabilizing...

    And anyway, I thought you took him home? ;p


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