Why It Pays To Make Nice With The IT Guys

Thursday, June 30, 2005 1 comments
  • When they're in their clubhouse discussing how the fuck to get your whiny, bitching self off their asses (after ten months of ceaseless nagging), your fans in IT will pipe up, "No, she needs one of the brand new ones," after it's suggested that you might get a refurbished iPaq.
  • No questions asked when you express a need to have iTunes installed on the new machine. "I have some spots on it, I swear. I can show you!" "No, that's fine."
  • Two words:
  1. Flat
  2. Screen
  • All it takes to keep them happy is a.) a little cleavage every now and then and 2.) lots of cookies. Mint.
I'm checking my horoscope, since everyone seems to be doing my bidding lately... ;)


  • Anonymous said...

    D, I can't help but think that you were COUNTING on my input on the caption contest. Oh, the possibilities. Damn, I have to turn this darned contraption on more often. This is the life of a restauranteur-a-something. Kim looks good. No, no, I'm just saying. And so do you girl...sugar-free gang. Can't wait for the 5th. NUUUUMBER FOOOOORTY!!!!!!!!!!!


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