Gotta L'il Hangie

Sunday, June 12, 2005 4 comments
I've not had too much alcohol in the past several weeks because of the whole "sugar-free" thing. At first, it was painful to turn down situations where drinks would be involved. But then I started to feel so good that saying no to situations that could potentially sabotage all the hard work and dedication I've invested in my one-woman war against the Sugar Lobby became very easy.

Last night, the Muppet and her sexy bald man (who actually looks really good in a Bjorn Bjorn wig and athletic headband) threw a fantastic dinner party that I'm not sure is toppable. What started out as a "you should come over Saturday night and we'll eat tacos and watch Netflix" idea turned into a four-course gustatory orgy that lasted hooooooouuuurrrrs.

The Muppet is quite accomplished in the kitchen and becoming even more so, much to MY benefit, I have to admit. She served, to start, a sweet pea/avacado vichyssoise (cold soup) with tomato and red onion salsa. That was followed by a warm goat cheese salad with an incredible balsamic vinaigrette (that I have decided to donate eggs to an infertile couple in order to afford). Next was the entree, chicken piccata served with a plum tomato and red potato gratin. Dessert was a luscious strawberry rhubarb crumble served with sugar-free vanilla ice cream.


It's a good thing we ate all that food, because I had decided to allow myself a few drinks. These few drinks turned into "several" drinks of many "varieties," which has led to my current state of being "hot" and "hungover."

The hangover is decidedly unpleasant. After going a full month without experiencing one, I'm having a hard time buckling down and soldiering through. I'm glad today is not a workday.

My roommate and I went to my favorite coffee place and got iced coffees and talked about our physical/emotional attachments/dependencies to our iPods and how we don't understand people who don't "own" them. I told her about the scary incident I had in the park yesterday with my little Babygirl, and how I nearly freaked the fuck out. The beautiful thing is she was right there with me, nodding her head and agreeing that yes, she would have freaked the fuck out, too.

It's this bond we have, fortified by Apple Computer and 2 generations of iPods, that is preventing me from killing her while she is currently, right now as I type this, hammering nails into the wall we share. That and the fact that tomorrow is her birthday.


  • MrRyanO said...

    Sounds like a very nice party. Good food is even better when it is accompanied by nice conversation with loving people. That is a true delight.

    So sorry to hear of your hangover. I hope you prevail. My thoughts and prayers will be with you throughout this period of dilemma. Speedy recovery!

    May the good bird of paradise look lovingly upon you and yours,

    Rev. RockDog

  • Danielle said...

    I DID prevail, Reverend R to the D! I had an iced coffee and figured, hey, if I'm going to sweat my ass off, I might as well be active!

    I attacked my apartment with the strength of a team of oxen.

    Amazingly, even after slight sleep deprivation, sweating all day and working my fingers to the bone, I could not sleep!

  • MrRyanO said...

    Oh, dear Danielle. We do wish you success with your sleeping efforts. When I was in the ministry I often had many a sleepless night. What helped me was to close my eyes and count the many good encounters in my life. It brings a smile to your face and puts your mind at ease, and induces a restful sleep experience. Other times we would sneak in some wine. Shhhhh...don't tell the other Brothers. It was so good, but SO bad of us! Hehehehe!

    Let the Choir sing!

    Rev. RockDog


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