Hace Muy Calor

Tuesday, June 14, 2005 4 comments
That's Spanish for "It's fuckin' hot."

I'm not feeling quite AS miserable about it as I was last night, though. I mean, I'm still a brick oven pizza, but I had a good time with The Muppet, as usual, so I'm a little more calm. Even though I had a mini-freak out with the whole mayonnaise thing.

Muppie made this scrumptious turkey curry with all sorts of luscious ingredients to suit my sugar-free soul. We even rocked some delicious LO's from the weekend. After that we stumbled upon The Show I Mentioned Earlier and the evening spun out of control. I haven't seen Vanilla Ice bust moves like that since the AMAs in 1990. It was a carefree and fun evening, topped off by my sweaty journey home and a shower.

At least I was able to deliver to the Muppet her Luscious Challenge booty, which was Jell-o chocolate pudding, specifically requested by her on Saturday. I also brought over two new flavors for her to try: Chocolate Mint and Chocolate Cherry. I anticipate these being terrible, but we'll just have to wait and see.

MFDC - You can expect your deliverable within a few days.


  • Danielle said...

    Oh, you'll be fiiiiine...

    Doesn't that stuff have a 24-hour turnaround anyway?


  • MFDC said...

    Usted tiene el diablo en su corazón, y soy agradecido para ése.


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