Hot Fun In The Summertime

Wednesday, June 08, 2005 6 comments
I have the iPod on shuffle and that Sly and the Family Stone song just came on. It IS hot.

91, but FEELS like 104.

One hundred and four degrees.

And I have heard mumblings that TODAY is the cool day, and that the next three days promise to be even hotter.

I'm waiting for the "Fun" part to begin.

And no, I will never stop bitching about this until I am fully acclimated and my a/c is installed. Until then, YOU HAVE TO LISTEN TO IT, BITCHES.


  • Becca said...

    You are such a freaking wus! You would never make it in the Big Easy!

  • MFDC said...

    Hey, so how's the iPod battery been behaving lately??

  • Danielle said...

    It's SO CRAZY that you should ask me that today! I let it die and then charged it up on Saturday and started listening to it Saturday night. It just ran out this morning on my way to work. That was nice. I got to actually hear the guy that plays the pan-flute do a heartbreaking version of "The Sound of Silence."

    Anyway, I'm recharging it now. That's not bad; Saturday night to Wednesday morning, huh??

  • MFDC said...

    That sounds about right. I bet your battery is fine. Don't be afraid of a soft reset now and then, your baby will LOVE you for it!

  • Danielle said...

    Well, thanks for your expert advice! I shall no longer fear a soft reset.

    That is an excellent word pairing, by the way. I don't know why I like it, but I do.

    And my baby already DOES love me for it. I'm getting a kick ass shuffle today! I'm writing it down!


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