I Eat Much Fruit

Thursday, June 02, 2005 11 comments
Want a banana
But I've already had one
Two is excessive


  • Anonymous said...

    horrible post dee
    fruit? what the fuck? FRUIT?
    it's like i don't know you

  • Danielle said...

    I think this is Kimberly, and if so, you suck.

    If this isn't Kimberly, I have a shocking amount of issues with your teeny, tiny comment.

    1.) If you don't know me like that, you don't call me anything but Danielle...or Your Highness.

    2.) That's not a haiku. I don't know what that is, but that's not a haiku.

    3.) I can't ALWAYS bring the funny! And I've covered so many topics on this site, I thought, why not fruit?

    4.)There really is a very tempting banana right here beside me that I want to eat very much...very very very very very much.

    5.) When you have your own blog on the world wide web, you are then free to criticize what I choose to share with the 7 people who read my site. Until then, fuck off.

    6.) Enjoy your anonymity...that is, if you can find the time while simultaneously wrestling with Eternal Damnation.

  • MFDC said...

    Why not another??
    Good potassium and shit;
    a nice, healthy snack!

  • Anonymous said...

    dude, what is wrong with you.....the more banannas the betta...

  • Danielle said...

    Oh, sorry, allow me to translate.

    "Yes, Kimberly, I agree with you. The more bananas 'the betta.' Hence, I chose to eat the second banana."


  • Anonymous said...

    2 bananas in one day. SLUT.

  • Danielle said...

    That's nothing. In week two of my sugar deprivation sans methadone, I ate THREE in one day! THREE.

    That was a rough day.


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