
Thursday, June 09, 2005 3 comments
"Whatcha cookin'? Smells good!"

"Chicken. Want some?"

"No. I'm not sure what's going on with The Boy. He might want to go out and get dinner or something fancy like that."

"Ah, yes. The Boy. Are you staying with him tonight? And his a/c?"

"Fuck yeah! I told him I would help him install it."

"Dude, I'll help him install that shit!"

"Well, and then he's gonna install something else."



  • Danielle said...

    Durex Tropical is my OTHER roommate. For one brief, hopeful moment in time, I thought I would have the place to myself.

    Alas, the gentleman whom I trust sports the Durex Tropical "In Exotic Colors and Luscious Flavors" is in a "vile mood."

    There will be no Tropical love this evening.


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