Much Miscellany

Tuesday, June 28, 2005 10 comments

I had thought we were out of Sugar-Free Jell-o Chocolate Pudding. I was desolate and dreading having to satisfy my chocolate craving with a Swiss Miss No Sugar Added Hot Chocolate. It would make me sweaty and I've had enough of that today, thank you.

So, I had also thought that my bananas had been stolen out of the fridge, but it turns out they'd merely been moved. Clearly, I've lost my faith in humanity, but there's an upside, I swear.

As I was rooting around under my desk for a napkin upon which to rest my bananas, I encountered a box shoved way back. When I peeked under my desk, I saw it. A sleeve of SUGAR-FREE JELL-O CHOCOLATE PUDDING. EIGHT WHOLE BOXES!


I have no words to express how thrilled I am.

2.) In answer to my own question, posed in the Purple Fingers haiku, I have not yet suffered any consequences relating to the volume of cherries I consumed last night, this morning, and then again around noon. So, clearly, 1.68 lbs. of cherries is not Too Many Cherries. And half a pint of blueberries is not Too Many Blueberries, fyi.

3.) Bitchin' Haikus

4.) I used to have straight hair. Like, really straight. But as I've gotten older, it's gotten wavy, which now makes me susceptible to Random Attacks of Afro like many of my curly or wavy-haired sisters. I'm sorry I used to watch you searching frantically for a ponytail holder as your hair swelled to 9x its normal size right before my eyes and feel pity for you. What I should have felt was sympathy. Now all's I got is empathy and empathy of the frizzy-haired variety sucks.

Deva Curl, HERE I COME. You will know me by my afro and my MasterCard.

5.) So, a friend of a friend is moving to Hell-A, and tonight is her Going Away Thing. I was just gonna go from work, since dinner reservations are at 8:30 and we all know how much I love staying at work until well after the sun goes down. However, it was revealed to me that a supermodel will be present, so I have to now go all the way home and beautify. And by supermodel, I mean a real, actual supermodel. Like, the cover of Vogue and shit.

So, I must beautify, not because I feel the need to be impressive, but because it will do wonders for my confidence to feel moderately cute while in the presence of genetic perfection. We'll be eating pizza. I'm trying not to have a nervous breakdown.

His D-Day is fast approaching... I think PayPal closed the account, but write an email or something and maybe Satan will take pity on you in Hell and throw you an ice cube every 1000 years or something.


  • Anonymous said...

    If I had $50,000 I would so TOTALLY use it to hunt that asshole down and eat HIM for dinner. How would you feel about that, you bunny eating bastard!?!?!?!!! That is the most wrong shit I have even seen.... :(

  • Anonymous said...

    And THAT I felt compelled to post a comment about!

  • Danielle said...

    It takes threatening an animal to de-lurk her, but it worked nevertheless!


    Say what up!!

  • MFDC said...

    " I have to now go all the way home and beautify."

    Camera-phone pics, please.

  • MrRyanO said...

    At your request I gave $1000 to the Toby fund. I was saving to help my kid get some medicine and corrective shoes, but because you are Deebo and I trust you I gave to the fund. It feels good to help.

    Love, Peace, & Chicken Grease

  • Becca said...

    Why on earth would someone do that? That morbid man. Toby is related to Thumper!

  • Anonymous said...

    Muppie, If you ever ate Toby I would find you & I would cut you!

    I miss you too!!!! ;)

  • Anonymous said...

    Just to let you know, Dad was really impressed with your new diet. Especially your will power. He told me that maybe i should give it a try. lol

  • Danielle said...

    Funny that he tells YOU that! And it's not a "diet". It's a "way of life." Also, I'm a "dork."

    I shudder to think what sparked this unusual line of conversation.


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