
Wednesday, June 01, 2005 7 comments
You should all enjoy MFDC as much as I do. Well, maybe not THAT much. I'm not too sure TwerpsWorld could handle that level of orgiastic bacchanalia. However, cast aside your inhibitions (and your pants), and click on that link for some funny shit. He bites, though, so watch your back. And if you see the Long-Necked Cantaloopay of Bavaria, take a pic for me!

In other news, today my boss is taking me out to lunch to discuss my performance evaluation with me. We're going to Stout, the scene of my most recent crimes. She maintains "it's nothing bad," and that it would afford us "more privacy," but I'm nervous that she's taking me to a public place so I won't make a scene. Of course, my middle name is Worst Case Scenario, which is decidedly un-Sagittarian of me. I know I tell people it's Renee, but it really isn't.

Part of me knows it's going to be fine and that my job is secure. And I know exactly what she's going to say. I know my strengths and my weaknesses. But hearing about your weaknesses is not as much fun as hearing about your strengths.

My stomach is already in knots. It's similar to the feeling I would get when my mom had Parent-Teacher conferences and I was petrified my math teacher would point out that ONE little homework assignment I didn't turn in. Most of the time my mom would come back with glowing reports, but I was always convinced the shit would hit the fan.

In an effort to boost my own flagging confidence, this morning I attempted to make myself extra-cute, thinking that if I achieved the right level of "Nermal" with my eyelashes, I could simply bat them prettily and my boss would lose the nerve to say bad shit about me to my face. I'm pleased with my efforts, but don't have too much faith in this particular bit of strategery. At least it'll make me feel good about myself. Maybe.

I'll check in after lunch and let you know how it went, before the self-flagellation gets too bloody.


  • Becca said...

    Your eyelashes are always so very tempting. If I weren't a chick...or if I were a flight attendant (like my sister) I would totally take you in the middle of Stout.
    That was for you Rock Dog. I know you've missed the flight attendant stuff!

    Dee - you are super fab-o-lus! If your boss doesn't see that, she is a FOOL - just like mine! =)

  • MFDC said...

    If your boss makes you sad, I'll draw a picture of the Long-Necked Cataloopay of Bavria and send it to you. Then I'll kick your boss in the Va-jay-jay.

  • Danielle said...

    Aw, you'd do that for me? That's so sweet!

    Fortunately, all Va-jay-jay's are safe from your noble foot. For now.

  • Danielle said...

    Beebo, if you were a flight attendant and took me in the middle of Stout, I'd totally invite the RockDog. Or at least have him on the cell.

    And thanks. Yeah, your boss IS a damn fool!

  • MrRyanO said...

    SO---Was making me pass out on your list of things to do today? Mission accomplished!

    This is AWESOME!!! Flight Attendants...Chicks taking chicks...and now SISTERS! SWEET!

    Thanx for making my week!

    ROCK ON!


  • Anonymous said...

    Same her sis. But as we both know in my case the shit always hit the fucking fan. and in some cases so did I.

  • Danielle said...

    That's because you LIED, bro! And forced your teachers to give YOUR deficiency notices to ME!

    No wonder mom beat your ass with your light saber.


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