Supa Dupa

Thursday, June 23, 2005 10 comments
Can you BELIEVE I didn't post yesterday? That's going in WTF? Friday, Volume VIII. I cannot believe it myself. But, you know, I was tired and reeeeeeally hungover. I related the story once and then no longer felt the need to "blog it out" - despite juicy tidbits like The Wingman, Johnny Walker Blue, and snorting whiskey.

You'll just have to use your imagination and weave it all together yourself. Oh, don't forget "black licorice."

Today, friends, family, pets, indentured servants... I bring you a great revelation.

Despite Tuesday night's debauchery (ok, I know you're begging...a few more detes: Kimberly, Stout, "I'm NOT drinking!") and consequent brutal hangover, I actually kept plans made with the Muppet late last week. I hydrated, ate some food, took some advil and drank a LOT of caffeine. By the time I met up with her in the East Village, I was feeling good enough to be out.

The Muppet has a friend who writes for the Village Voice. There's a possibility Voice employees might be striking at the end of the month if their union doesn't reach an agreement with Voice management regarding, among other things, adequate health insurance. Last night they had a benefit for their Strike Fund at a bar called Rothko. I agreed to go to support the Muppet's friend, who busted some crazy moves with me at her raging party back in March, and was interested in hearing some live music.

I was rewarded for getting it together enough to go.

TwerpsWorld, I'd like to introduce you to SUPAGROUP!


Lovely iTunes Princes and Princesses

You are no longer the same person you were before you read that sentence. These guys RAWKED SO HARD. I was so excited! More than once, The Muppet and I locked eyes during their set and mouthed the word "AWESOME."

All I could think was, "God. MFDC and The RockDog would totally dig this shit. It's fuckin' awesome!"

Quote of the Evening: "This next song will probably be our first single. We don't like it so much. You probably won't, either. It's called, 'It Takes Balls.'"

Sample lyric:

Rock and roll tried to
ruin my life
Rock and roll never
felt so right
It takes balls
if you rock and roll

Yeah. I have the lyrics because I TOTALLY fought my way to the back of the bar to buy the CD! And then I signed the mailing list: Danielle Wright FUCK YEAH!

Quote of the Day, Runner Up: "So, you know, we're playing later at CBGB's at 10:30. You should stop by. We'll be a helluva lot more wasted and way sloppier than we are right now, so at least you'd have that goin' for ya."

Their encore, by request, was "Let's Go (Get Wasted)."

Sample lyric:

I'm high
Are you high?
So am I!

They were a lot of fun to watch and it was so good to hear some motherfucking RAWK.

John said that maybe the guitarist should "slow it down" so the audience could "feel it." I'm going to have to respectfully disagree with you there, my friend. It was fast and I totally felt that shit!

RAWK is not to be questioned or analyzed. It is simply to be enjoyed for what it is, which is AWESOME. Can I get an AMEN?

I'm currently ripping the disc to my iPod, which has miraculously recovered from its little sulk-fest from earlier in the week. John and I bumped noggins on it and it would seem that if you DO encounter moderate to severe problems with your iPod, sometimes letting it completely die and then recharging it can cure various ills.

Of course this will not cure my co-worker Judy's mini-iPod's issue.

"Danielle, do you know about iPod's?"


"Something's wrong with mine."

"What happened?"

"I got something on it and wiped it off with a damp cloth. It wasn't wet, it was damp. And then I turned around to do something else and I heard a sound like bacon frying in a pan."

"You heard a sound like BACON frying in a PAN?"

"Yes. It doesn't work at all. What do you think?"

"It's fried!"

"What should I do?"

"Which iPod is it?"

"I have a mini."

"Buy a new one."

SOLVED! I should work at the Genius Bar. For real.

A bonus lyric for all my fellow RAWKERS. We didn't get a chance to hear this song, but I can't wait to listen once it's on the iPod.

From "Hot Times":

Your photographic mammaries
Are etched upon my memories
Now that we're the greatest get
I'll have that ass wrapped en brochette


Rock ON!!!!


  • MrRyanO said...

    "RAWK is not to be questioned or analyzed. It is simply to be enjoyed for what it is, which is AWESOME. Can I get an AMEN?"


  • MrRyanO said...

    I just went to their web site and listened to "Lets Go" or "Ready To Go" either way...too fuckin' cool! The RockDog WILL be contacting them...will they reply? RollingStone reviewed their shit...will TheRockZone be worthy of their time? Only time will tell!

    Until then, I WILL also be making a full iTunes download tonight...more hot times for Ms. iPod McShuffle, iTunes, and ME! HOT!

  • MFDC said...

    HO. LEE. SHIT.

    Supagroup RULES.

    "What did I do last night, little bro?
    Well ya made out with a midget and fucked a goat!
    So let's GO!
    Get wasted!"

  • MrRyanO said...

    Deebo! You HAVE to go see them Friday at Crash Mansion...also in NYC...we need more! Maybe a TRZ Show Review with pictures???

  • Danielle said...

    Hmm... Another Supagroup show? I wonder if my tinnitis will be cleared up by then?

  • MrRyanO said...

    For the love of Rock woman! It's SupaGroup, not the ShitStains. You can do it!

    I'm off to iTunes...a SupaGroup Fan has been born...Fuck Yeah!

    Rock ON!

  • MrRyanO said...


    I heard back from SG...they're into an interview! So, anyone out there that wants to ask them a question shoot 'em over to me. I have limited room so I'll only be taking the best ones! Thanx for YOUR help!

    If anyone sees them tonight at Crash Mansion, tell 'em they kick ass and you look forward to their interview with TheRockZone!



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