Superfluous Pillows

Thursday, June 02, 2005 12 comments
I've officially made the switch to Iced Coffee, even if the earth tilting on its axis ever so slightly is not enough to encourage the type of weather that would make Iced Coffee more of a treat than it already is. But it's JUNE 2, Dammit! I should not be drinking hot coffee, even though the weather permits it!

Also, it's time for me to buy a fan. I had crazy dreams last night and at one point woke up with the covers flung off and still feeling warm.

Speaking of covers, how many pillows do you sleep with in your bed? I have a full-sized bed and five pillows. I'm thinking that's a little excessive since I only actually rest my weary head on one. But I also need cuddle pillows. I have one for my left side and one for my right. There are still two left over, but one of them is The Mixed Media pillow. It serves three purposes: 1.) It's decorative 2.) It's the perfect level for me to rest my laptop on when I use it on my bed and 3.) It really does tie the whole room together, stylistically.

So, I guess I only have one superfluous pillow. It's my emergency pillow. When my back is really sore, I place it between my knees to alleviate some of the pressure. (You should try that next time your back is sore, if ever it is.) However, MOST of the time all these pillows end up on top of each other on the left side of my bed in a great big pillow/blanket heap.

I'm just asking because I woke up to the heap and wondered how many other people allow the Pillow/Blanket heap to encroach on their sleeping space as much as I do. I was also thinking that, you know, today is a new day.


  • Becca said...

    I sleep with 4 pillows and 1 woobie! And you know woobie rocks!

  • MrRyanO said...

    If by "pillows" you really mean boobies, then that would be two...but if by "pillows" you really mean soft cushy bags of fluffy filler, then that would be two...and if by "soft cushy bags of fluffy filler" I mean fake boobs, then the answer is zero.

  • Danielle said...


    How could I forget the "boob as pillow" utility? I guess that means then that I sleep with 7 pillows, though I would hardly classify my breasts as superfluous.

    Well, they're super, but not fluous.


  • MFDC said...

    I have simple needs... either one big pillow or two skinny pillows will usually suffice. At some point in the next year I need to get all new bedding. Well, unless some super-cool piece of gear comes along that I must have... which is probably what will happen.

  • Danielle said...

    All New Bedding is fun. I just did the All New Bedding thing. Of course, I was forced into it by Vinny the Damn Cat.

    Wait for a sale at Target (there's one near you!) and get a Bed-in-a-Bag, which will allow you to get the new bedding you desire for super cheap, freeing up more funds for super-cool gear.

  • Danielle said...

    I'm not so great at math, but I'm pretty sure in Danland, gear DOES equal porn {Gear = Porn} in much the same way as actual porn equals porn {Porn = Porn}.

  • MFDC said...

    Well, I find Audio Gear to fucking sexy, so I guess it is porn! I can get free pictures of naked ladies all over the internet, but gear, alas, must be bought.

  • Danielle said...

    I guess that means The Force is stronger with me than you.

    heh heh.


  • Anonymous said...

    i feel like i enetered a website for the VERY horny....


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