What Leads Up To An Air Supply Sing Along At 10 A.M.

Thursday, June 09, 2005 22 comments
Our email servers are down. I came in early to get a head start on some things, but no such luck. You would think that a company as large as ours would have sturdier servers, but no.

When I was at The Pharmaceutical Giant (the one that makes the Get It Up pill) (The Get It Up Pill that might make you blind) for a year and a half, this NEVER happened. Not only that, but you could have 97 gigs of Sent mail and they wouldn't even bat an eyelash. You could send 400-page Powerpoint decks with 47 12MB imbedded .pdfs and 39 4MB .mpgs as easily as placing a toy boat in water.

This is not the case here. Our email client is - are you ready for this? I need to make sure you're ready because you're either going to 1.) Pass out in disbelief 2.) Spit your coffee all over your screen in outrage that such a thing even still exists 3.) Pee your pants with laughter.

Netscape 4.7.

I SHIT YOU NOT!!! I swear!

We're supposedly upgrading to Windows XP and Outlook, but I'll believe that when I see it.

In the meantime, we're all kind of at a loss as to what to do with ourselves. There was the requisite round of "Is email down?" "Yes." "Is email up yet?" "No." "How about now?" "No." "Now?" "SHUT UP!"

Our Big Boss came up and regaled us with tales about early telefax machines; how it used to cost a dollar a page (a lot of money Back Then!), and how "Secretaries" would have to type handwritten memos (CAN YOU IMAGINE??? HANDWRITING!?!) into a machine with a phone attached to it. A long, arduous process.

My generation has no comprehension what it was like before email. Nor do we care, really.

So, everyone's pretty much just milling about, torturing Ari because he has to put on the Mr. Peanut suit and hang out in Times Square today, even though it's going to be 90 again. There was a moment when Judy's iTunes automatically started up. Air Supply. "All Out of Love" Of course, I started singing along, and then Jen took the next line. We had an Air Supply sing along.

Phones are ringing off the hook, of course, since fate is forcing people to actually talk to each other. I have to call about 20 people and round them up for a meeting tomorrow morning. I think I'll just rock a broadcast voicemail. At least THAT'S functional! Good thing I took Public Speaking and Voice & Articulation classes in college, just in case I would have to use my voice in The Real World.


  • MFDC said...

    What I got from this post-

    a. Confirmation that people in the Past were fucking STUPID. These same cretins that used "handwriting" also worked worked hard at factory jobs that can be handled by a robot or mexican. And before that they listened to TV Shows on the RADIO. Dumbshits.

    b. Air Supply rules. I saw them live in Indiana once after a luscious meal at Red Lobster.

  • Danielle said...

    Air Supply DOES rule! And had you said, "I saw them live in Indiana once after some luscious lobster," you would have earned extra points for alliteration.

    You still have about 36 hours of competition remaining. Let's see what you can do, Big Brains.

  • Becca said...

    OMG - Mexican labor! I know you just didn't!

    My roommate has a Mexican Bar back fetish....

  • Danielle said...

    I was insulted by neither. Does that make me a bad person?

    Also, what does it mean that I sort of had a crush on the robot in ?I, Robot," and got all upset when he was taken to that robot graveyard in Jersey, and then was filled with hopeful joy when it looked like he was about to lead a robot uprising at the end of the movie?



  • Danielle said...

    Wait. I don't know if I want to know.

    Only tell me if you think I want to know.

  • MFDC said...

    No, silly, you're a Vulcan like me.

    It's not so strange for you to luuuuuuuurv a robot, becuase it's really just a very advanced model of Rabbit.

  • Danielle said...

    This is EXCELLENT news! The mind meld will WORK! Afterwards, I will be able to rock ProTools like a motherfucker and you'll be able to...um...drive a stick shift! Yeah, that's it!

    Ha...I do luuuuuuurv my Rabbit. I bet the robot would be quieter, though. I think something's wrong with it. And it's not the type of thing that a soft reset could fix!

  • MFDC said...

    YOU CAN DRIVE A STICK SHIFT?!?!?!?!? As if you weren't already a goddess! Man, after the mind-meld I'll be able to drive a stick, make healthy chicken dishes, and speak in public!

  • Anonymous said...

    Sent mail and they wouldn't even bat an eyelash. You could send 400-page Powerpoint decks with 47 12MB imbedded .pdfs and 39 4MB .mpgs

    Say again? In English please.

  • Danielle said...

    When I worked at that big pharmaceutical company, I could send emails with elephants attached and the system wouldn't even sputter!


  • MrRyanO said...

    I tried using luscious today in conversation, but no one batted an eye. Fuckers.

    For the record, I love robots. I just didn't want a ruckus defending them here. I will go to Fer's page and defend my mechanical animals! (just kidding Fer...if you're out there. I love you, you little luscious lover of loudness)

    Rock ON!

  • Danielle said...

    I can't believe you, The RockDog, used luscious in a sentence and no one batted an eyelash. Perhaps you need to put more emphasis on the "L."

    Great use here, but not enough to make you a frontrunner. Try again. Good Luck!

  • Danielle said...

    Nice try, Muppet! Got some alliteration in there, too, huh? I have to be fair and award extra points for it.

    I know you're writing about food, but dearest...that's porn.

    I would know.

  • Becca said...

    My breasts looked luscious today in my new black dress... Pharmaceutical company didn't know what to do. I think the computers shut down

  • Danielle said...

    Maybe your boobs are what destroyed our email servers. Ivan DID say it was a hardware problem...hmmm...

    Points for sauciness! Good job! You can do better, though. You have a little over 28 hours! Get crackin...

  • MFDC said...

    Just want to break in here and let all the luscious ladies know I'm REALLY enjoying this contest. Carry on!

  • Danielle said...

    I think they're enjoying it just as much as you are, my dear. I know I am!

  • MrRyanO said...

    I think we have a winner hands down...or up!

    Say it slowly "My breasts looked luscious today in my new black dress..."


  • Danielle said...

    Though it's certainly a luscious literary offering, it's still not a winner, sorry to say! There are still 24 hours left!

    But you go ahead and say that as slowly as you please.


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