It has been a long time, dear blog. I thought I would harness the power of my green tea with Agave syrup and my blueberry passionfruit smoot...
Get Your Kicks On Route 66
Just a quick update from the road while I wait for MFDC to finish clearing out his sinuses in the shower: The best time to move across the c...
These Are A Few...
Things I will miss about L.A., in no particular order: 1.) 10% humidity or less 2.) Sun 11.5 months out of the year 3.) My friends, obvs 4.)...
Nashvillains, Y'all!
Sooooooo... Most of you know this by now, but The L.A. Certas are soon to be known as The Nashville Certas. Y'all. I sort of alluded to ...
Has Anyone Seen May 2009? I Think I Misplaced It...
I never meant to leave you, my little chicken nuggets! It's just that I've been beeeeeeeezzzeeeeee. Not as busy as my brother and hi...
Babies Shooting Out Everywhere!
Jeez, I haven't even had a chance to formally introduce you to my new nephew, Brayden Joseph, and now it would appear that there is ano...
What Having A Camera Up Your Butt Will Teach You About Yourself
So the prep day was awful and I made sure everyone I was in contact with knew how awful it was. At first you think, mmm! Some yummy broth! A...
Clear As A Bell
The following are the clear foodstuffs to which I am limited for the next 13 hours: It's a good thing I like everything suggested on my ...
According to this article at, one of the 12 major brands they predict will close by the end of 2010 is: 6. Gap (GAP) Old Navy...
A Thousand Miracles
Things like this restore my faith in humanity and serve to remind me that, regardless of our religious beliefs, values, political leanings o...
Boarding At 5:35 A.M. BARF.
Dan and I are heading to Indiana tomorrow to hang out with his extended family and celebrate the fact that we got married but didn't get...
Stop Reading If You Don't Want A Broken Heart
I figured I'd dust off this stale, musty blog here in the hope that it would reach at least one of the few of you who still check in her...
Apartment Earth
And the Lord said, "Go ye forth and plant yeself a cute little apartment garden, using the electricity I hath provided for ye via DWP....
A Marriage-themed Meme, via Dooce via Facebook
What are your middle names? Renee and Mark. BUT DO YOU KNOW WHOSE IS WHOSE? Hmm??? How long have you been together? Together almost 3.5 year...
I'm Back, Bitches!
I've been struggling for the longest time about how to put together the "Wedding Blog." Should I do it as a series? For exampl...
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